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Beach Flag Safety

Beach Safety in Panama City Beach, FL

While Panama City Beach, FL, is home to “The World’s Most Beautiful Beaches,” there are risks associated with enjoying these beautiful waters and the surrounding beaches. For those visiting our beaches, we have tips and advice on safely enjoying the beach with your friends and family while on vacation in Panama City Beach.

Beach Flags

Know the Colors & Teach Them to Others

The water conditions in the Gulf of Mexico can change at any time, leaving the most experienced swimmers struggling to return to shore. It is extremely important for beachgoers to not only pay attention to the colors of the flags but to know what each of them mean. And remember, when double-red flags are flying, that means the water is closed to the public and you can face up to a $500 fine or jail time for entering the water. Stay alert, help educate others, and have fun on the beach!

To make flag safety awareness more fun for children, we have created some tools to help teach kids the meaning of each of the flags, like this animated cartoon called “Willy’s Secret Code of Beach Safety Flags”. Encourage your children to understand beach safety and go over these activites with them to make sure they fully understand.

beach flag poster

A huge thank you to the faculty and students at Patronis Elementary for creating this wonderful short video of students explaining the beach flags and what they mean, and rip currents and how to get out of them.

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If you would like to receive text message alerts the the flag colors change, you can sign up by texting “PCBFLAGS” to 888777.